As we move through this beautiful and troubled world, may we vow to be a beacon of peace, a fearless carrier of respect and loving kindness of all life, a teller of truth, a voice for justice, a protector of those who are vulnerable or targeted.
May the power of wisdom, integrity and compassion be our guide.
#poweroflove #beaconofpeace #respect #kindness #truth #justice #protector #rucommunity #todaysawakening #prayer #inspiration #myspiritualjourney #renaissanceunity
As magnetic spiritual beings the frequency of our thoughts is reflected in the words we use. Do your words paint the picture of your fullest potential? Do they send the energy of success, abundance, prosperity, joy and love? The vibration of our words is the melody of our lives.
This Sunday, Reverend Glenn moves us deeper into this 3-part series focused on how our thoughts, words and actions impact our capacity to expand into our fullest potential.
Please join us this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in-person at the Emagine Theater in Royal Oak or online with Facebook Live!
#SundayServices #powerfulwords #expansion #potential #myspiritualjourney #renaissanceunity #rucommunity
Click below to order your 2023 Master Mind Journal today!
Orders begin shipping October 17, 2022
