I recognize that my protestations against my worthiness, my talents, my qualifications, my likability, and my lovability, are EGO in action. It is a type of vanity to deny the Creator’s brilliance in creating the one and only me.
I recognize that my attempts to earn love or prove my value through my actions and “productivity” are again, EGO in action. It denies the Truth that I Am a reflection of Divinity itself, and as such, I am already in the flow of abundance of all things, all love.
May I continue to grow in my ability to live from my highest self, letting go of egoic thinking and trusting the Universe and my place within it.
May I be open and receptive to the good and the love that is already mine.
#oneandonlyme #IAM #divinity #abundance #highestself #lettinggoofego #trustingtheUniverse #lovealreadymine #rucommunity #todaysawakening #prayer #inspiration #myspiritualjourney #renaissanceunity