Like so many, when I am angry, my breathing becomes rapid.
Like so many, when I am afraid, my breathing becomes shallow.
Like so many, when I am hurting, my breath is sporadic and uneven.
Yet, in my breath, is you.
May I remember this truth when anger courses through my mind.
May I remember this truth when fear lays shadows over my perception.
May I remember this truth when the pain gets louder than your still, small voice inside. May I take a deep breath and feel you deep inside my core.
Allowing the peace of you to settle the angry emotions stirring inside me.
Allowing the presence of you to deepen my connection with you.
Allowing the love that you are, that I Am, to soothe the hurts and give me a sense of hope.
This is my prayer. My prayer to you.
#breath #truth #peace #presence #love #hope #rucommunity #todaysawakening #prayer #inspiration #myspiritualjourney #renaissanceunity